EPMA is the non-profit organisation co-funded by the Vysočina region and the civic Association BMI with the aim of developing international project-based co-operation of European regions and regional partners towards knowledge based inclusive digitally empowered society built on bottom-up sustainable innovations. This objective is implemented through research, awareness rising, educational activities, project management support and networking in order to strengthen dialogue and co-operation between public administrations, research communities, business organizations, civic initiatives and citizens.

BDA is a non-profit association undertaking activities for public benefit, established in Sofia, Bulgaria. The association undertakes activities in the areas of VET, education, IT, digital skills, innovative training and education courses development, , innovation, achievement and implementation of EU targets, as well as improving the social conditions in Bulgaria.

Deep Blue is a Human Factors consultancy helping organisations innovate and grow their businesses through human-centric design solutions, especially in safety-critical sectors. We have been awarded EU funding for over 85 projects (14 as coordinators), within the Horizon Europe, Horizon 2020, CEF2027, CERV, DIGITAL, Erasmus+ e FP7 framework programmes (data as of December 2022, source European Commission).
We believe that research can have a positive impact on society: we make our expertise available to organizations with customised consulting and training services. Thanks to our high professional standards, national and European agencies and companies rely on us every day for consultancy in the fields of transportation, health, environment, industry, and education.

Consorzio Ro.Ma is a Vocational Education and Training provider and a business consulting organization founded in 2003. During the years it is specialized in the planning, design, delivery, management, monitoring and evaluation of training paths at various levels. In the field of School Education Consorzio Ro.ma. deals with the training and updating of skills of the schoolteachers in activities aimed at encouraging the innovation in teaching at the level of strategies, methodologies and teaching tools. In the field of Adult Education, it works for improving the high-quality learning opportunities of low-skilled adults and to validate skills acquired through informal and / or non-formal learning pathways. In the field of Vocational and Educational Training it carries out training activities with the aim of social and working inclusion of groups at risk of exclusion. Consorzio Ro.Ma also supports the businesses and the organizations for implementing of training plans finalized to skills upgrading and dissemination of business development plans.

INOVA+ is a Portuguese leading company in promoting and managing international projects of Innovation, Education & Training and Research & Technological Development. The company’s mission is to provide the knowledge, management capacity, partnerships, technical and financial support to ensure successful innovation projects to its customers. INOVA+ has participated in over 100 European projects of a large range of programs, including. Horizon 2020 and its predecessors, Erasmus+ and its predecessors, AAL, CIP, Creative Europe, among others. INOVA+ has coordinated over 30 projects and has also a dedicated administrative/financial department to support the project management and financial reporting.